Do you think your website works?
Did you know that 53% of visitors leave a web page if it takes more than three seconds to load? Do you know that more than half of the visits to web pages come from mobile devices? Amazon conducted an investigation were they discovered that a single second increase in webpage load time meant loss of four millions dollars a day.
Having a website that works is more than just installing and customizing a wordpress. If we want our website to work, if we want visitors to stay and keep coming, there are many details to consider, details that only a good professional will know how to solve.
How to solve it
About me
FullStack developer specialiced in LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) and LEMP (Linux, NGINX, MariaDB, PHP) environments, but extensive knowledge in Python and C++.
I also have extensive experience as an administrator of linux systems and networks, which allows me to go beyond application development, also being able to optimize the servers and network infrastructure to maximize the performance of the systems.
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